GROW Elect Update

Latina Mayor in Victorville – Mayor Gloria Garcia

GROW Elect candidate Gloria Garcia (pictured below) was the top vote-getter in her successful election to the Victorville City Council in November. She was immediately elected by her City Council colleagues to serve as Mayor.

“Helping others is my passion and I love this city and the people,” Garcia said.

Garcia is focused on fiscal policies to ensure a balanced budget and maintaining roads. Mayor Garcia has also identified the homeless situation in the city as a top priority.



Corona Councilman Eugene Montanez launches campaign for Riverside County Board of Supervisors

Corona City Councilman Eugene Montanez (pictured below), another successful GROW Elect candidate, has launched his campaign for the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. The election for the open seat will be held in 2018.

“As a council member, I have had success the past 14 years in bringing and growing manufacturing jobs in the city of Corona, as well as the surrounding region,” Montanez said. “I want all of Riverside County to have this same success.”

If elected supervisor, Montanez said he would be committed to help the county becoming “the manufacturing center of Southern California.”



Assemblyman Dante Acosta appointed Vice Chair of Committee on Natural Resources

GROW Elect is proud to have supported Dante Acosta in his successful elections to local office and then to the state legislature. He is a model for GROW Elect’s efforts to build a bench of qualified local candidates across California. Recently, Assemblyman Acosta, R-Santa Clarita, (pictured below) announced his committee appointments including his new role as Vice Chair of the important Committee on Natural Resources. The Committee’s primary jurisdiction includes air quality, climate change, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

“I am honored to be selected for a leadership role,” Acosta said. “It is vital that all points of view are reflected in governing our state and I look forward to working with Republicans and Democrats in ensuring the responsible utilization of California’s precious natural resources.”

